
“AmaOna Mia Lead Me Home” Listen to the song that received the highest score!

AmaOna Mia Lead Me Home. The song that Susanne Wigforss and I has cowritten and is on my album AMAONA. The song that we submitted to The UK SONGWRITING CONTEST 2023. The song that received the highest score, Star Rating 5. The song which now has moved on to the next step in the contest.

“AmaOna Mia Lead Me Home” Listen to the song that received the highest score! Read More »

ANOWA – Star Rating: 5 in The UK Songwriting Contest!!

“ANOWA“, received Star Rating: 5 (Highest score. Yay!) – in The UK Songwriting Contest The rating of the songs range from 1 to 5 1 = really low quality, 5 =  top notch! I am honoured and grateful to be recognised as a songwriter ANOWA is one of the LightSongs, from the coming LightSongs Box.

ANOWA – Star Rating: 5 in The UK Songwriting Contest!! Read More »